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Arvind Kejriwal to vacate official residence and move to new address in two days, party sources say

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor Arvind Kejriwal will vacate his official residence in Delhi’s Civil Lines and move to a new home in the New Delhi Assembly constituency area within the next two days, party sources said on Wednesday. Earlier, the party said, “Arvind Kejriwal is looking for a property that is free of […]

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BRICS+ nations are better prepared to manage future economic challenges than G7 nations: E&Y

The BRICS+ group of countries is better positioned to fiscally combat any future major economic crisis, as these countries have a lower debt-to-GDP ratio, highlighted a report by Ernst & Young, an international consulting firm. The report states that BRICS+ nations are in a stronger fiscal position than the G7 countries because they have a […]