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Meeting Between UK SoS Trade Kemi Badenoch and Indian Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal on the sidelines of G20 Trade and Investment Ministers Meeting further boosts Bilateral Trade Relations

Following the G20 Trade and Investment Ministers Meeting (TIMM) at Jaipur, India’s Commerce and Industry Minister, Shri Piyush Goyal and the UK’s Secretary of State for Trade, Ms. Kemi Badenoch had a stock taking meeting in Delhi on 26 August 2023 to review the ongoing India UK Free Trade Agreement (FTA). While expressing satisfactions over the last 12 rounds of negotiations wherein several chapters have been finalized, both exuded confidence on next round of negotiations to be similarly successful. Both Chief Negotiators apprised the Ministers about the current state of play, issues outstanding for resolution and their continuous joint efforts to iron out the same. While appreciating the efforts of both the CNs, the Ministers desired the good pace of exchanges to be continued with better understanding of each other’s aspirations and sensitivities. Both leaders expressed their unwavering commitment to reaching a conclusion on a fair, balanced, and mutually beneficial trade deal that will enhance economic cooperation between the two countries.

Minister Goyal thanked SoS Badenoch for her support and constructive participation in the G20 TIMM at Jaipur. He also invited her to participate in B20 Summit India 2023 events. The meeting was also attended by Commerce Secretary Sunil Barthwal and DG Trade Negotiations Amanda Brooks. Teams are going to continue negotiations till end of August 2023 which will be followed by stock taking at the higher level.

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