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Home Minister requests Northern Zonal Council to resolve their disputes related to water sharing with an open mind

Union Home Minister, Amit Shah chaired the 31st meeting of the Northern Zonal Council at Amritsar, Punjab on Septmeber 26. The Northern Zonal Council comprises the States of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Rajasthan, National Capital Territory of Delhi and Union Territory of Chandigarh.

The Zonal Councils provide an excellent forum where irritants between Centre and States and amongst States can be resolved through free and frank discussions and consultations. Through discussion and exchange of views, the Zonal Councils help in developing a coordinated approach among the States on important issues of socio and economic development. The Zonal Councils also discuss and make recommendations on issues of common interest of the States.

While appreciating the role of the Zonal Councils, Shah mentioned that though the Zonal Councils are advisory in character, but over the years, they have proved to be a significant factor in promoting healthy bond of mutual understanding and cooperation in various spheres.

Shah said that the role of zonal councils has changed from advisory nature to action platforms. He said that Northern Zonal Council has an important place from the point of view of development and security of the country, with 21% of the country’s land and 13% of the population, more than 35% of the food grains are produced in the Northern region.

Minister requested all the member states of the Northern Zonal Council to resolve their disputes related to water sharing with an open mind and mutual discussion.

Chief Ministers of Punjab, Haryana & Himachal Pradesh, Lt. Governors of Delhi, Jammu Kashmir &Ladakh, Administrator of Chandigarh, Senior Ministers from member States, Union Home Secretary, Secretary, Inter State Council Secretariat, Chief Secretaries from the member States in the Northern Zone and other senior officers from the States and UTs and Central Ministries & Departments participated in the meeting.

The Northern Zonal Council welcomed the spectacular success of Chandrayaan-3, the worldwide appreciation of India’s leadership and global welfare at the G20 Summit and the historic Women’s Reservation Bill passed by the Parliament.

Hum Hindustani USA

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