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Shri Anurag Thakur launches trailer of animated series Krish, Trish and Baltiboy – Bharat Hain Hum

Union Minister Shri Anurag Thakur today launched the trailer of KTB- Bharat Hain Hum, an animated series consisting of two seasons, produced by Central Bureau of Communication, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and Graphiti Studios. The series consists of 52 episodes, 11 minutes each, featuring stories from Indian Freedom struggle from 1500s to 1947. The series is hosted by the iconic animated characters Krish, Trish and Balti boy. The series has been created by the creator duo of Munjal Shroff and Tilakraj Shetty from Graphiti Studios.

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that the series is an effort to educate the youth about the lesser known but significant contributors of the freedom struggle, contributors who were forgotten by the educations system of the past, and who have not been mentioned enough.

“At the same time this series is making an effort to inspire the younger generations by bringing forth the story of people whose efforts have shaped modern India. The series, with its release in multiple languages including foreign languages, will transcend language barriers and take their stories to the whole world”, he added.

Shri Thakur remarked that Doordarshan, Netflix and Amazon Prime will telecast this animated series at the same time, an effort that has not been attempted before. A major focal point in the series is the contribution of women and tribal freedom fighters in the struggle against foreign colonizers.

The Minister announced that the series will be shown to all Parliamentarians during the next session.

Reiterating the Panch Pran of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, he exhorted the people to play their part in nation building saying that whereas the freedom fighters sacrificed themselves, the youth of today have to contribute with their effort to take this country from Amritkaal to Swarnimkaal.

Secretary, I&B, Shri Apurva Chandra said that this was a momentous occasion for Ministry as this was the first time it is launching an animated series, aimed at people of India in general and children of the country in specific. He further informed that this is the first time Central Bureau of Communication, an expenditure body, is entering into the domain of earning revenue.

Shri Munjal Shroll, informed the audience that a mammoth effort, with over a thousand poeple, has gone into making this series. Elaborating on the scale of workmanship that has gone into this, he said that while a normal animation show consists of 25 to 30 characters with about 40 backgrounds, a single episode of Bharat Hain Hum has around 50 to 100 characters and on an average 50 backgrounds.


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