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COP28: PM Modi to address World Climate Action Summit today, receives warm welcome in Dubai

COP28 is expected to provide an opportunity to review progress made under the Paris Agreement, and chart a path for future course on climate action.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the COP28 meeting in Dubai today (December 1). He arrived in Dubai (UAE) on November 30, to attend the World Climate Action Summit, starting today during the United Nations ‘Conference of the Parties on climate, known as COP28. Upon reaching, the people of the Indian community, also welcomed him by raising slogans of Modi-Modi at the airport. PM Modi will return to India later Friday evening.

While leaving for Dubai, PM Modi expressed his happiness over the event being held under the Presidency of the UAE, who has been an important partner for India in the field of climate action.

He said, India has always laid emphasis on climate action even as we pursue social and economic development in keeping with our civilizational ethos. During our G20 Presidency, climate was high on our priority. The New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration includes numerous concrete steps on climate action and sustainable development. I look forward to the COP-28 taking forward the consensus on these issues.

COP28 is expected to provide an opportunity to review progress made under the Paris Agreement, and chart a path for future course on climate action. At the Voice of Global South Summit convened by India, the Global South spoke for the need for climate action based on the principles of equity, climate justice, and common but differentiated responsibilities, as well as a greater focus on adaptation. It is important that efforts of the developing world be supported with adequate climate financing and technology transfer. They must have access to equitable carbon and development space to achieve sustainable development.

India has walked the talk when it comes to climate action. Our achievements in different sectors like renewable energy, energy efficiency, afforestation, energy conservation, Mission LiFE are testament to the commitment of our people towards mother Earth.

PM Modi said, he looks forward to joining special events including on climate finance, Green Credit initiative and LeadIT. He will also be meeting some of the other leaders present at Dubai, and discussing ways to accelerate global climate action.

The 28th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) is kicking off from November 30 to December 12. The organizers have highlighted the upcoming conference as a watershed moment, emphasizing its pivotal role in steering global efforts to combat climate change. Pre-sessionals for the United Nations Climate Change Conference commenced from November 24 and ran until November 29, paving the way for the main event.

Unveiling the Context of COP

At its core, the Conference of the Parties operates as the primary decision-making body under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Composed of representatives from 197 countries committed to the UNFCCC, COP scrutinizes the efficacy of measures taken by the Parties to curb climate change. The UNFCCC, established in 1995, endeavors to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations, shielding the climate system from human-induced interference. Gathering annually, these COP meetings serve as critical checkpoints in assessing progress toward the overarching goal of curbing climate change. Significantly, past meetings have birthed transformative agreements, such as the impactful Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.

Hum Hindustani USA

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