top Stories

Indian pharmaceutical companies have become reliable and affordable suppliers of high-quality drugs: MoS Bhagwant Khuba

Union Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers Bhagwant Khuba has said that the Indian pharmaceutical companies have become reliable and affordable suppliers of high-quality drugs, significantly improving healthcare access worldwide. Union Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers Bhagwant Khuba has said that the Indian pharmaceutical companies have become reliable and affordable suppliers of […]


Indian actors, directors, and families of film greats praise NFDC-NFAI’s efforts to preserve India’s cinematic legacy through the World’s Largest Film Restoration Project

Cinema is more than just entertainment; it’s a reflection of a nation’s culture, history, and social evolution. In a country as diverse and culturally rich as India, the importance of preserving its cinematic heritage cannot be overstated. However, many of these cinematic gems, created by legendary actors and filmmakers, risked being lost to time due […]

top Stories

Australia-India Education and Skill Council holds inaugural meeting at IIT Gandhinagar

The inaugural meeting of the Australia-India Education and Skill Council (AIESC) is scheduled to take place on November 6 at the esteemed Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Gandhinagar. Formerly known as the Australian India Education Council (AIEC), AIESC was established in 2011 as a bilateral entity to facilitate educational, training, and research collaborations between Australia […]

International News

India, Nepal border forces to meet, focus on better coordination

The border guarding forces of India and Nepal are set to convene a three-day bilateral meeting in New Delhi from November 6 to 8. During this meeting, they will engage in discussions aimed at tackling trans-frontier crimes and ensuring the prompt sharing of intelligence inputs. According to reports, India’s Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) director general […]